Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Garden

Behold, my longest caption set to date.  This thing got a little out of hand, started in my head a while ago as only two images, then I found a third but as I was writing it today I realized that I needed a fourth image to be able to tell the story how I wanted.  This was a problem since I didn't have a picture that worked with the story.  So I had to delve into my internet sources and pull out the last image and ten or so other images I decided I wanted to caption.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy the result of my work, I know I had fun writing it.
Again, be sure to vote for the next Edith Bellamy story I will be posting, you're running out of time no matter what the countdown says, I will be posting the next story after I write two more captions.

1 comment:

  1. Great story and wonderful images to help tell it! I really enjoyed this one and hope you do more. Great work!
